03 Sep

What’s New At ROCKHOST.COM, Inc.


The following is from our latest mailer plus a little bonus content. If you want to subscribe please click here. If you are not following ROCKHOST.COM, Inc. (formerly “Rock and Roll Hosting”) on social media feel free to give us a share or a like. Here’s what we’ve been up to:


Domain Names


ROCKHOST.COM, Inc. is now the registry for over 400 different top level domain name extensions, or .TLDs. Host, register, or transfer domains like .art, .band, .beer, .guitars, .rocks, .tattoo, .website, etc. Prices vary and whois ID Protection is available as an add on for those with privacy needs.



Domain Names

Website Hosting


Earlier this year ROCKHOST.COM, Inc. became a CloudFlare certified partner. The beauty being, CloudFlare caching is advantageous to both company and clients.

The CloudFlare FREE product add on pushes static web files such as javascript, css, html and images from the rockhost.com origin server through its content delivery network. This saves precious server resources and customer bandwidth while actually increasing speed.


CloudFlare Certified Partner


Streaming Servers


SSL, vanity, and port 80 proxy listener links are becoming more and more relevant as the web turns to an HTTPS standard. Embedding HTTP streams causes unwanted browser warnings on SSL enabled websites.

A unique vanity url, or personal domain name, stays on brand and is visually appealing to an audience. The port 80 proxy allows employees and students to bypass firewall restrictions and tune in during daytime hours.


Shoutcast & Icecast SSL


What’s Next At ROCKHOST.COM, Inc.

In the somewhat near future a familiar @rockhost representative will reach out and contact all customers, old and new, one at a time, in advance of our twenty year anniversary celebration, May 7th, 2021.

Until then lots of effort will be spent improving our products, services and customer care as usual. Next up are individual account reviews which include a short speed and security checklist for overall optimization and client satisfaction.


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